Yesterday evening at my Mom's I started a doozy of a migraine and had to spend the night there.
I made it home this morning to a hungry dog and have been propped in bed trying to not move -- for when I do it starts to hurt again.
About twenty minutes ago I broke down and took The Good Drugs. I just got all warm and soon I will feel just lovely and not like dying. Isn't that nice?
Oh, Trudy, that's miserable. I hope you feel better soon.
I have the day off for the holiday but I haz the gas pains. Ugh, and bleh. I'm used to it, but it sucks.
I'm still baking chocolate chip cookies though.
I hope you feel better soon.
Oh I shall!
I just like The Good Drugs too much, hence my reluctance to take them.
If you don't mind my asking, Trudy, what's the good drugs? I'm always on the lookout for something that works better than my standard Aleve and Pepsi.
Percocet left over from an old perscription.
Once upon a time I was taking an anti-depressant and suffering migraines. Since the Anti-D was counter-indicated for Imitrex my doctor gave me the percocet. Which I happen to love (this love discovered after a car accident several years earlier) and really try not to take too often.
Some people react badly to it but for me it works like a dream. And did I mention loving it?
It has kicked in and while my head is still a bit tender I do not care. And I feel like hugging my neighbors.
And I'm very very warm because I live in an old nyc apt. building with steam heat and I'm drugged. So nice and cozy.
I have to leave for a rehearsal in three hours. Well, its more of a meeting -- which is good because I'm really not all that improv-capable today.
I should clean somthig before I go. And go tell my fellow man I love them. Instead I'm listening to oldies music and reading about Bobby Kennedy and pondering the ways in which Barak Obama is the heir to RFK.
I can't take Percocet or Darvocet but I can take Tramadol (or Ultram). It's an opiod but for some reason, doesn't make me nauseated like the others do. I have some left over from my shingles which I am hoarding for any severe pain situations.
I have some Tramadol for my fibro. I think it's an opiod-derivative, which is why it isn't habit-inducing or cause some of the other fun side effects.
I think I may have taken Percocet when I had surgery. I hadn't thought of it for migraines, but I took Midrin for migraines and hated it. Overall, opiods seem to get rid of my pain, but make be woozy, then sad, then hyper and panicky. I took something in the emergency room once that got rid of my pain and left my head clear, which I loved beyond all reason. Alas, I have no idea what it was called.