for breakfast I had a lara bar and some tea. I forgot to bring a lunch but I have granola and snap peas to snack on throughout the day. My coworker just asked if I wanted anything from the grocery store. I said, "no thanks!" while my brain screamed, "Bacon! Cheese! Pie!"
It's been a long time since I tried to change my eating habits. I had forgotten how insistent cravings can be when you say, "maybe never" instead of, "maybe later." Nutter butters have been haunting me for days, popping up in the corners of my vision, sometimes I can almost taste them.
The other thing I forgot is how incredibly salty prepackaged food starts to taste when you cut down on your salt intake. What is with us americans and salt?
Oh, goodness. I am freezing. I'm over at a friend's, and I'm not sure she even has the heat on. Actually, it probably is on low, but boy, I'm cold.
We just made some coffee. Hopefully that will help. Oh, and she gave me some fingerless gloves.
I want to go back to St. Thomas! At least till winter is over...
I just came back from visiting friends. I have new armband thingy and Nike run thingy.
Now I am at work, only the people I was trying to give this appointment hour to couldn't make it. So I had lunch and got caught up in Bitches instead.
Congratulations to DJ on new job, and woohoo askye on job app and second job interview!
Oh my god! I'm catching up on my dvr stuff and there's an ad, for one of those coins, this one for 9/11 commerative coins. I swear I've seen it before, this is the one with the Twin Towers and they pop up, I mean "Gallantly rise up like hope" from the coin base.
So these coins, are special. Not only are they made from silver from the vaults from under the towers, but a portion ($5) of the proceeds will go to "offical 911 charities" to help the rescue workers. They are selling for $40 - Imean now $29.99! (To make it affordable to all patriot collectors). The ad actually says "to speed aid to our heroes is the only thing that matters.
I feel all gross and used listening to it.
Yesterday evening at my Mom's I started a doozy of a migraine and had to spend the night there.
I made it home this morning to a hungry dog and have been propped in bed trying to not move -- for when I do it starts to hurt again.
About twenty minutes ago I broke down and took The Good Drugs. I just got all warm and soon I will feel just lovely and not like dying. Isn't that nice?
Oh, Trudy, that's miserable. I hope you feel better soon.
I have the day off for the holiday but I haz the gas pains. Ugh, and bleh. I'm used to it, but it sucks.
I'm still baking chocolate chip cookies though.
I hope you feel better soon.
Oh I shall!
I just like The Good Drugs too much, hence my reluctance to take them.