PRofessional means someone you've known in a professional setting only and I can't put down someone who is more a family friend right?
References could be a professor. My favorites are professionals that I might not have worked with, but are friends that bullshit really well.
Also, having read a zillion resumes, you don't read them too closely. Just at the next opportunity give a revised version.
I've never applied for a job where it was an issue). PRofessional means someone you've known in a professional setting only and I can't put down someone who is more a family friend right?
No, it's fine if you know them in more than one context.
ooh freaky. I just came back to the office to find that the two little vending-maching 50 cent puppies that usually sit on the edge of the hard drive appear to have been blown or pushed onto their sides and a few inches back. I must have just brushed them with my sleeve and not noticed but this is the office where the light sometimes comes back on after you turn it off so you never know.
I use as a reference my very close friend who I worked with for a few months back in 1989 or 1990.
My favorites are professionals that I might not have worked with, but are friends that bullshit really well.
Yep yep yep. I have some of these. Others could be coworkers, classmates, professors.
for breakfast I had a lara bar and some tea. I forgot to bring a lunch but I have granola and snap peas to snack on throughout the day. My coworker just asked if I wanted anything from the grocery store. I said, "no thanks!" while my brain screamed, "Bacon! Cheese! Pie!"
It's been a long time since I tried to change my eating habits. I had forgotten how insistent cravings can be when you say, "maybe never" instead of, "maybe later." Nutter butters have been haunting me for days, popping up in the corners of my vision, sometimes I can almost taste them.
The other thing I forgot is how incredibly salty prepackaged food starts to taste when you cut down on your salt intake. What is with us americans and salt?
Oh, goodness. I am freezing. I'm over at a friend's, and I'm not sure she even has the heat on. Actually, it probably is on low, but boy, I'm cold.
We just made some coffee. Hopefully that will help. Oh, and she gave me some fingerless gloves.
I want to go back to St. Thomas! At least till winter is over...
I just came back from visiting friends. I have new armband thingy and Nike run thingy.
Now I am at work, only the people I was trying to give this appointment hour to couldn't make it. So I had lunch and got caught up in Bitches instead.
Congratulations to DJ on new job, and woohoo askye on job app and second job interview!