I like oat milk too.
Although I'm from about as far away from New Orleans as it's possible to be in this country, I've heard quite a bit how oil companies and other industrialization have both made conditions that make the hurricane stronger and weakened the area's ability to withstand or absorb the energy.
Hemp milk: [link] (This is the chocolate kind. They've also got vanilla and plain.)
Let me know about the hemp milk. Every time I've tried hemp based food it tasted nasty, but that is one I have not tried. On the other hand you can't go by me. I liked almond milk. I'll have to try oat milk sometime.
With nut and grain milks, I've found that brands are really important to me, although of course I don't remember which ones until I go to the store and look. I've had nice rice milks, although I find them too sweet for anything except cereal or drinking. I've had nice almond milks, although I've found that the texture can be kind of gritty. In general, I like nut milks best in soups and other savory dishes.
I've been trying to find something that'll taste right with Cheerios. So far, the unsweetened soy milk tasted too soyish, and everything else has been too sweet. (The grain milks tend to be sweet even without any added sugar.)
The almond milk I tried was Almond Breeze or something like that, and I wasn't terribly impressed.
I've also learned to absolutely avoid the Trader Joe's soy milk. It's pretty obviously made from a powder mixed with water, and the powder will separate and sink to the bottom of the glass if you let it sit for about a minute.
I've never heard of oat milk before. Intriguing. I like sweetened but otherwise unflavored soy milk just fine and I really like some of the flavored soy milks, but only to drink not for cereal or whatever, but it's always good to have alternatives. I find rice milk just too thin and bland.
I think I didn't like that brand of almond milk either, Hil. If you like, I'll try to check next time I go to the store and let you know which one I did like. It may be a few days, though, so you may already have figured it out for yourself by then.
Anybody have any experience with Diet to Go
No, but I'm interested if you do--I've had it bookmarked for quite a while, and kept thinking about trying it when I was in DC!! But never got around to it.
And definitely DON"T do the nutrisystem--I had a couple coworkers who tried, and most of the food is NAST. A few things are OK, but....gross, overall.
I'm contemplating doing the "dinners by design" or whatever it's called, where you go make the dinners? There's one in downtown seattle. Oddly, for the lowest amount of food (like, 8 dinners for 2 people? They go up to 12/4) it's the same price to make it or to just pick it up.
Oh, puppy! How I've missed you! He was so sweet all night...all curled up next to me.
On the subject of diets - still enjoying Atkins. Also, I have lost 4lb this week, apparently! So that's very cheering! (...but, you know, I realise that it's scarcely the most vegetarian-friendly of foodplans. Best of luck with the Diet-to-Go thing, Hil!)