We're taking a break from the conference this afternoon to bike ride around the island. Life is hard.
I wish there were some way for ND to do his work from here because I am in love. I don't think he could handle the humidity of a tropical climate anyway, though, which is very sad since this is pretty much my ideal.
Are there still acrobatic cats down there?
GF and I constantly fantasize about moving to the Keys. We love it there!!
Today my first born is 16. He and his friends have decided he is Salty 16, not Sweet 16. I have a house full of teen boys. They have a 4 day weekend so it has been Warcraft central here. I don't know where they get it from. All of them with laptops and headsets talking to each other via mics and the internet when they are sitting next to each other. Huh.
16! Yikes! Teenage boys crack me up. I hope the birthday weekend is fun.
Kristin, enjoy the Keys. I love tropical beaches.
I skipped to whine.
I think I just heard thunder. It's definitely raining. I can't even see town. I know, I know. My diamond shoes are too tight, but I got dumped on with rain while I was in town one last time, and now I can't go to the beach one last time.
t /whine
Kristin, be careful! The Keys are addictive!!!
Dear Everyone:
I have moved to Wales. I spend my time stalking the cast of Torchwood.
The mention of rainy beaches always brings me back to that weekend Mom and I spent with my brother and his wife at Rosarita Beach. It was rainy and cold the whole time we were there but we had a great time sipping margaritas and playing euchre under the awnings. I wonder, if it had been nice enough for the usual beach-y activities, if it would have been as memorable a trip.
Lets have this year's F2F in Cardiff!
Ok. I'm mostly packed. Sniff.
And the sun is back out, but Edie's taking a nap (and she didn't sleep well last night, so I'm gonna let her sleep). I have a feeling there will be no beaching today.