I skipped to whine.
I think I just heard thunder. It's definitely raining. I can't even see town. I know, I know. My diamond shoes are too tight, but I got dumped on with rain while I was in town one last time, and now I can't go to the beach one last time.
t /whine
Kristin, be careful! The Keys are addictive!!!
Dear Everyone:
I have moved to Wales. I spend my time stalking the cast of Torchwood.
The mention of rainy beaches always brings me back to that weekend Mom and I spent with my brother and his wife at Rosarita Beach. It was rainy and cold the whole time we were there but we had a great time sipping margaritas and playing euchre under the awnings. I wonder, if it had been nice enough for the usual beach-y activities, if it would have been as memorable a trip.
Lets have this year's F2F in Cardiff!
Ok. I'm mostly packed. Sniff.
And the sun is back out, but Edie's taking a nap (and she didn't sleep well last night, so I'm gonna let her sleep). I have a feeling there will be no beaching today.
My daughter has already started lying about her age.
She told the librarian today that she was 5.
I spend my time stalking the cast of Torchwood.
This sounds like a wonderful career. I may have to move there as well and involve myself in the endeavor.
We'll be nice stalkers. Maybe something more like groupies.
I'm watching Masterminds. Why do I always cheer for the criminals?
F2F Cardiff would work.
Some pictures of the boy on his 16th. They got off the computers for a little while and went outside and played football. There is some discussion of basketball too. A bunch of them are staying here tonight. I made cupcakes and bought junk food. Brendon's dinner request was my homemade pizza so there is 4 balls of dough rising. He calls them amoeba pizzas because I never quite get them to conform to a circle or square. [link]