They even sent sis to a collection agency for not paying a bill they never sent her for services she never received.
Verizon sucks ASS. They used to charge a month ahead of time for DSL service, so when we moved, we cancelled, quite a bit ahead of time. They cut off our service EARLY, sent a bill for the month we wouldn't even be there, and even though Tom called after every time a bill showed up, and was assured it would be taken care of, it went into collections, and then of course no one can do anything about it anymore.
That shit went on his credit report.
D has an ear infection, so he's home with DH while I'm here at work for another 3 hours, and then we'll switch. Fingers crossed that today will involve less vomiting than yesterday. Poor little noodle.
Oh, Torchwood, how I love thee. It makes me feel all patriotic and proud to be British. It is my very own cracktastic Pervy Polyamorous Big Gay Space Alien Show! Huzzah! Go Team!
That spoilery Torchwood picture gallery sent me into a paroxysm of joy. No need to guess where I'm getting my Torchwood icons from.
Six inches or more of snow last night and subzero temps with dangerous wind chills today and tonight. We're staying in the house all weekend.
D has an ear infection,
oh owie. poor little bug. I hope he can have some meds?
D has an ear infection,
Ouch. I hope he feels better.
I hope he can have some meds?
Yep, he's on a 10-day course of amoxicillin and Tylenol for the next 48 hours for the pain & fever. Which reminds me, I need to pick up a medicine syringe on the way home, as he has recently decided that the medicine-dispensing pacifier is a horrible horrible torture device that must never EVER go in his mouth.
Poor D!
At the doctor's office yesterday I had my first normal blood pressure reading in years -- which is really quite amazing because they kept me waiting for 60+ minutes and I was quite angry about it. I attribute this sudden loss of pressure to hanging out with the puppy.
Aw, poor kid. Get better soon, little guy.
I attribute this sudden loss of pressure to hanging out with the puppy.
absolutely. congrats Sparky!!!
Yep, he's on a 10-day course of amoxicillin and Tylenol for the next 48 hours for the pain & fever.
that's great - good for your doctor.
medicine-dispensing pacifier is a horrible horrible torture device
You're not the only one who has said this - does any child like that thing?
does any child like that thing?
Well, I've seen it mentioned positively on ParentHacks (as a way to help babies' ears not pop on airplanes - just fill it with breastmilk instead of medicine), but D hates the thing like poison. He doesn't mind the spoon, but only because he can twist his head and get away from it...
I attribute this sudden loss of pressure to hanging out with the puppy.
Yay puppy!