I attribute this sudden loss of pressure to hanging out with the puppy.
absolutely. congrats Sparky!!!
Yep, he's on a 10-day course of amoxicillin and Tylenol for the next 48 hours for the pain & fever.
that's great - good for your doctor.
medicine-dispensing pacifier is a horrible horrible torture device
You're not the only one who has said this - does any child like that thing?
does any child like that thing?
Well, I've seen it mentioned positively on ParentHacks (as a way to help babies' ears not pop on airplanes - just fill it with breastmilk instead of medicine), but D hates the thing like poison. He doesn't mind the spoon, but only because he can twist his head and get away from it...
I attribute this sudden loss of pressure to hanging out with the puppy.
Yay puppy!
Yay, Sparky! Puppies are very good for blood pressure, I think. Unless they're chewing your good shoes. Or the rent money, as my brother's dog did once.
Poor D! Ear infections are the worst. We never used the medicine pacifier, though. I'm not sure I've ever seen one.
as a way to help babies' ears not pop on airplanes
really? as opposed to a bottle, sippy cup, or just plain nursing? huh.
does any child like that thing?
How could they? You have this wonderful sucky thing that relaxes and soothes you, and then one day they give it to you all innocent-like and bam! Cherry-flavored betrayal. It's diabolical.
t has never seen or even heard of these before
Jess - was the Tylenol prescribed? I thought it had all been taken off the shelves which is why I'm asking.
We can still get regular tylenol. Only the tylenol cold (which @#@!!! really works for I. and keeps her from _getting_ ear infections) is too dangerous for parents to have. Same with dimetap and other cold meds.
Why would they take Tylenol off the shelves, Stephanie? I read about some new guideline for not giving kids under two cold or cough meds, but nothing about Tylenol.
And hey, did I read it's your last day of work? Yay!
Inevitable Xpost. ::high-fives Sox:: I hate when they legislate against stupidity.
::high-fives Amy back:: me too.
Good to know - I have some of the old stuff around and haven't needed to buy anything new.
I still don't get how parents were dosing their kids wrong, but my friend's parents overdosed their granddaughter (like, gave her 4-5 times what they were supposed to) so I guess it does happen.
eta: I hear you on the stupidity thing. Even the grandparents I just mentioned will never do it again. They were so upsest with themselves. I guess I just dind't pay careful enough attention to the news since I knew what I had at home.