I've been going around and around with our "special projects manager" over our e-mail signatures.
Monday, late, she called asking about putting an image in an e-mail. I told her I didn't really know how to do it; she kept asking and I kept repeating myself. Then she asked about preparing an image to be used in an e-mail and I told her if she sent me specs I'd do one for her.
I discussed this with my boss and sent him a list of reasons why what she was asking wasn't technologically that good an idea (requiring everyone to send e-mails in HTML format, including an image - high-res, 'cause otherwise it's not SHARP enough - using a fancy font for the signature, etc.).
Then, the other day, again late in the afternoon, she e-mailed everyone an HTML file saying we all had to change our signatures to be like the one she sent.
It was an HTML e-mail and the text showed up, but there was a missing image icon showing. I sent back telling her this ... and she trotted down and told me to check the file she'd placed on our network. The same HTML file ... and, again, no image. She was hanging over me, leaning on my chair and shifting from foot to foot, swiveling the chair back and forth ... which really pisses me off, so I told her to stop it. She got offended and went back to her desk.
A little later, she calls and asks about how to get the image to show up. I said if she really wanted to have it visible to everyone, she'd probably have to load it onto our web site and link to it. Which lead to a conversation of "where should I put it" and "where do you want to put it". I really wasn't in the mood to be helpful.
Yesterday she sends an e-mail around with a Word file attached, saying everyone had to change their signatures to match what she had with, yes, the fancy font and the image. And she's getting insistant that everyone set up their signatures to match HER style.
um, NO. And if she keeps pushing, I just may cut a bitch. I have my santoku knife in my office and, if pushed, I WILL use it.