Eep. What happened?
Since the crew doing the remodel didn't do drop cloths, we made them send in a cleaning crew. They did so on Tuesday. Yesterday we discovered the broken and glued (!!!!) statues. GF is pissed beyond pissed. Plus her dad is in the hospital really not doing well at all so it's just the last thing she needed right now.
Also, her Kim Possible doll got stolen off her desk yesterday. Poor m'say ("my sweetie").
That sucks, GC. I'm sorry.
They broke them, glued them back together and hoped you wouldn't notice, and swiped one? That's fucked up.
Two separate incidents. At home, they broke them glued them back together and hoped we wouldn't notice. At work, a different someone stole the KP doll of her desk. Bad day for collectibles!
Fucking hell, GC! That sucks!
GC, I think I have an extra KP doll unopened at Mom's house. I'd be happy to send it to you for your GF.
Oh, shit, that's just incredibly rotten.
Holy crap that's something teenagers would try to get away with, not a professional cleaning crew. Wait, was this The Bobby & Peter Brady cleaning company?
sj, you are so sweet. She is totally nit picky and the one she had was KP with "hard plastic hair not the hair looking hair." Not sure if that one's hard to find or what.
The one I have is barbie sized with hair hair, a cheerleading costume and the original mission outfit. I also have some little hard KP figures that are about an two inches tall. Let me know if you think she would want either.