yeah he is. It's so odd. He's accusing me of wasting energy and yet I turn the heat down all the time. He leaves his TV on. His girlfriend is over here all the time using the shower.
wait, isn't this the asshole who turned out the porch light to "save energy"
Yay Laga! Does this mean cute Yoga gal can move in? She single??? :: cough cough ::
oo the swoon. Willow is guest staring. Fred & Willow. The hot!
ND came home with a nasty migraine. He's been asleep since 7, poor thing. I feel kind of blah still, but not horrible. Still need to make myself some tea, though.
Minnesotan Loses, then finds his AWOL Wallaby [link]
"AWOL Wallaby" would make a great band name.
"AWOL Wallaby" would make a great band name.
It definitely rolls off the tongue.
What are the most interesting band names that you've seen?
In Ohio I know there were Hootie McBoob & the Inflatable Dates and Lt. Dan's New Legs.
I stress eat a lot and I can't make myself stop.
Eliminating sugar and simple carbs is the only thing that has ever made me stop doing that.
I I'm about to launch a big purge now that I can eat food again. Next time I'm transitioning back to a maintenance diet instead of a weight loss one I'm going to see what happens if I have some sugar but completely eliminate HFCS.
Upon what do you base this?
The American Heart Association and American Medical Association being "highly skeptical" of the Atkins diet for its focus on a high protein, high fat diet that strains the heart, liver, and kidneys. It is a "gimic" diet that works in the short term by reducing calories, but in the long term can be damaging. My father has had two heart attacks and his cardiologist is quite adamant about cutting out red meat altogether--not just for someone who has already had a heart attach, but for anyone who wants to keep a healthy heart for a long life and isn't in a dire survival situation where eating large mammals is the only available source of nutrition.
The healthiest approach to long term weight loss is to cut out processed and refined foods. That takes out sugar and most "white" foods with negligable nutritional value and high caloric content.