Christ on a crutch, Epic. Fingers crossed.
Change Thai to US and you get five times as many hits off that search.
Now I bet they're not exploiting elephants over there either.
You know, I've tried to answer this politely for the past half hour, but I don't think I can. It's just going to be an argument.
Suffice it I respect the fact that you are electing to spend your money only in ways that you feel confident will not in any way support causes or behaviours of which you disapporove. Good for you. And I respect your right to disapprove of Thailand, or boycott it, or whatever.
Oh gosh, fay. I'm so sorry. My post about how I found it on the internet was supposed to be my way of saying I'm sorry I said that without actually doing the research myself. That I sometimes believe stuff because I read it on the internet only to be corrected later by more well informed people such as yourself. Since I was wrong about the extent to which the government condones child prostitution I assumed I was probably wrong about the elephant exploitation as well. I shall now attemp the difficult process of removing my foot from my mouth. I only hope I can keep it in my shoe where it belongs.
Generally, the best way to apologize (and have it be accepted as such) is to simply say you are sorry. And mean it.
I was trying to apologize and be funny at the same time. I guess I should cancel that comedy tour.
Well, just make sure it doesn't overlap with your apology tour.
We all slip in the guac from time to time, Laga. It's clear that your apology is heartfelt (to me, at least).
FWIW, Laga, I understood that your comment was meant to be an admission of relying on questionable internet research and that you were poking fun of yourself.
today I
made beef stew
took down the xmas decorations
had a good talk with a friend
folded one load of laundry
put sheets in the wash
paid bills
yet somehow the list is not quite short enough
ETA: me too, Laga
As many things as there are wrong with Word 2003 (seriously, if I ever find the programmer who thought up "Update links on Save" I will Kick.Him.In.The.Nads), I must say, I LOVE the "Reveal format" function with a white-hot passion. No more, "Why the hell is it doing that? How can I make it stop?" There's still "What moron thought that was a good way to format?", of course. But it's good to have a little mystery in life.
Sounds like a good day, beth.