As many things as there are wrong with Word 2003 (seriously, if I ever find the programmer who thought up "Update links on Save" I will Kick.Him.In.The.Nads), I must say, I LOVE the "Reveal format" function with a white-hot passion. No more, "Why the hell is it doing that? How can I make it stop?" There's still "What moron thought that was a good way to format?", of course. But it's good to have a little mystery in life.
Sounds like a good day, beth.
We all slip in the guac from time to time, Laga.
It's true. I've tripped too.
It's clear that your apology is heartfelt (to me, at least).
And it wasn't at all clear to me, at first, so I mentioned it.
It was a good day , Epic - that's why I had to make a list. I did do a bunch, but I was partly thinking it wasn't enough
eta: just for my own bit of monkey grooming - I can certinly see why someone didn't get what Laga was saying
It drives me crazy that I can think everyone has a point. But then I think that is why I am comfortable where I live. I always say that if you have 5 people gathered in my town, you have 15 opinions.
It was a good day , Epic - that's why I had to make a list. I did do a bunch, but I was partly thinking it wasn't enough
Oh. Gotcha. Sometimes you have to remind yourself that you have gotten a lotta stuff done. Plus, don't forget the other thrill of making a list - crossing things off! Did you remember to write "make list" at the top of the list? One more thing you can cross off, baybee!
I guess I should cancel that comedy tour.
God, no. Well, unless you're planning on doing it online, in which case you'll have to allow for people on the other side of the planet staring at the screen and saying out loud..."Is she taking the piss? Why is she taking the piss?" and wishing that there was a way of gauging tone without resorting to the dreaded emoticons. Sorry for misunderstanding - very much my bad. Also all the more glad that I didn't end up posting a lengthy reply and then spend the rest of the morning trying to scrape egg off my face.
Aaaand here come the kids!
Fay, I meant to chime in earlier with the "that batslash t-shirt is divine!" comments.
wait, did you post a pic?
I hate emoticons because I feel like they are a crutch for people who cannot express themselves properly with words alone but sometimes those people is me.
I'm planning on making beef stew tomorrow. I think I may see how much else off of beth's list I can copy.