Susan, hope today is better. Sometimes stuff just hits you hard, or weird, or wrong. I hate it when it happens for no apparant reason though.
sj, hope you're not getting the bug that's going around!
Day 3 of being able to walk from the train station to work. Hella windy out there though.
PC, I like your goatee/facial hair action!
Susan, never underestimate the power of duck nibbles. A lot of small things all in a row are harder to deal with than a few bigger bars with breaks. Ducks will wear you out.
I ate food!!!!!
Granted, nothing spicy or meat. But I ate food and it didn't go through me like a freight train!!!!!!
t does dance of retaining sustainance
Now I have to time my eating more/better enough to go back to class condidition so I don't put back on all that weight I lost this week. Like, a pound a day.
Trudy some of that was water. So if you end up with less weight than before you got sick call that a win, even if you put some of it back on.
Good plan passing along that bug, Trudy.
I just got finished with a half hour go round with my son's school. Apparently his doctor printed stuff on his health form that should have been stamped, and he put his tetanus shot on the wrong line. They were sending him home until it was right. Problem is his doctor has been in critical care since before Christmas and isn't blinking his eyes much less signing stuff and the last thing his office needs to deal with is redoing my kid's shot record. In the end I sweet talked them into correcting it themselves.
Trudy some of that was water. So if you end up with less weight than before you got sick call that a win, even if you put some of it back on.
I lost a little more than my holiday weight. The goal is to only put back that much.
I think that ita needs this:
Tazer that plays MP3s