Sadly, i did not sign any thighs while in Portland...but i did break in the GPS, splash through many puddles, knit a scarf on chopsticks, and sign many many pages of rental agreement legalese.
I am very much locked into moving, right now it's just a question of time (within about a two week window) as my mother has decided to fly out to help me move, adding certain constraints. But YAY!!!!! I have a place to live in Portland but do not look forward to the drive with cat in car. It was pretty rough coming back the last two days with all the Weather.
Am also now very concerned about what silly director was saying about me. He was extremely cranky the last two weeks and didn't so much as wish me bon voyage, very out of character. Why do i care?
Well, I always thought you were the best SM that theatre had to offer. The best news I ever got regarding Xmas Carol was that you would be taking over as SM.
I miss you already, Erin.
I am going to bed now. I am bad teacher who has called in sick for tomorrow. Really not supposed to miss a PD day, but...yeah. No sleep does not equal happy Kristin. Plus, feeling blechy.
Night, everyone!
Sadly, i did not sign any thighs while in Portland
It was a sleep-dep typo, not a question of virtue.
Sleep well, Kristin. Welcome home, all.
Why am I stupidly awake?
Why am I stupidly awake?
'Cuz you're the night shift.
Emmett woke me up from a sound sleep because he had an earache.
Great. (He was in a friend's hot tub this morning so it's almost certainly swimmer's ear. I gave him a lecture about shaking out his ears in the future.)
Not much you can do without prescription ear drops.
I administered palliative care and distracted him until the Motrin kicked in and put him back to bed. But now I'm awake. And already had a shitty commute lined up in the morning, with an early wakeup.
At least the dishes are done now.
Why am I stupidly awake?
Good question. One I often ask myself, in fact. Just not in the morning.
Also awake in the middle of the night. Heading back to bed soon.
Happy birthday, MM! Try not to set the house on fire.
It's disturbing when the
nightshift is West Coast.