Why am I stupidly awake?
'Cuz you're the night shift.
Emmett woke me up from a sound sleep because he had an earache.
Great. (He was in a friend's hot tub this morning so it's almost certainly swimmer's ear. I gave him a lecture about shaking out his ears in the future.)
Not much you can do without prescription ear drops.
I administered palliative care and distracted him until the Motrin kicked in and put him back to bed. But now I'm awake. And already had a shitty commute lined up in the morning, with an early wakeup.
At least the dishes are done now.
Why am I stupidly awake?
Good question. One I often ask myself, in fact. Just not in the morning.
Also awake in the middle of the night. Heading back to bed soon.
Happy birthday, MM! Try not to set the house on fire.
It's disturbing when the
nightshift is West Coast.
It's disturbing when the entire nightshift is West Coast.
You should definitely go to sleep. I recommend a happy ending and a blissful drift into afterglow.
Well, I suppose it's time for the morning shift...
sprinkles stardust so the West Coasters can get some sleep
Morning Anne!
good morning? Shit! I need to get to bed. Uggg. I'll hate the alarm when it goes off.
Erin_O, don't fret, it was just JD being JD. Glad ya made it thru the weather safe and sound.
KT & ND, welcome home!!!!! Yay!!!!!
OK, not here. Really. Going to bed... silly Angel Season 3 keeping me awake. "You have to finish me now!" I swear, the dvd's were SCREAMING at me to do it! really! honest!