Would it be rude for me to fix myself dinner?
Nope. It would be rude to not eat and then rip off one of your friend's heads to munch on when you can't wait any longer.
I think. Might want to check with Emily Post of Jilli on the head ripping off thing.
I say flirt if you don't have anything better to do, omnis. It would be easy to slip a "you know we are really far apart geographically" quip in there, I would guess.
Oh, MasterCook update: it took me all day to get it installed on the virtualPC XP environment on my iBook. This is not, of course, the fault of the MC software but it explains why I haven't really been able to play with it yet. I have managed to find a recipe for tomorrow night's dinner, though, so that's good. If I can stay one day ahead I'll be doing great. Really really great.
if "flirt" is the same as "quick match" I think they ignore your geography quotient. All my quick matches have been quite far away.
Flirting long distance is fine, and good practice. I hope there are a number of better close matches. The internet didn't exist the last time I dated, but there may have been some flirting on the BBS.
I went into the kitchen and chopped up the veggies for the stir fry. The roast has been cooking since this morning. My son and I sampled a bit of that. Apparently they are nearly finished with the big competition. They have been munching on chips and stuff so couldn't care less about my dinner. (DH was instructed he could have any junk food in the house he wants so long as it is flavors I can't stand)
I had a dream last night that I met Mr. Right. We were at a party and ran into each ohter and OMIGOD! SPARKS and talked and knew we were going to spend the rest of our lives together making sweetsweet love. then he informed me that at the end of the week he was going to Peru for a year to do good deeds. And I got mad because how could he! We were going to spend our lives together, but at least there will be email..no hesays, no email. Well letters, snail mail..no he says no postal service. But in year we'd be together...not good enough, but then luck would have it Peru closed! The whole country just closed for business.
It was very bizarre dream
Also in a few hours my brother will be getting married and my FSIL will be my SIL and I will have a sister! Love her and she's awesome and I'm so glad my brother found her.
Poor thing though, she's been so sick from pregnancy she threw up a bunch on the plane ride to Hawaii and has been sick off and on.
They left and food is being consumed!
Yay for your brother making a good choice. Sorry she is having trouble with the sick.
Also in a few hours my brother will be getting married and my FSIL will be my SIL and I will have a sister! Love her and she's awesome and I'm so glad my brother found her.
Isn't that awesome when it works out like that? I'm so glad that I'm able to say that my BIL and SIL are great additions to the family (and that's far better than I ever dared hope for).
Yes it is, and it seems like for my brother 3rd engagement is the charm!
Congratulations to your brother and SIL!