I could just cry.
I read in your profile that you like silver jewelry, so there was a nice bracelet and some silly other things...and now I'm afraid that the customs xray may have made it too attractive.
Still, I'm hoping the box just went on walkabout and will ultimately find its way to you.
Heavy sigh.
A collection of locally-made candies from Ailleann!
Yay, it arrived! I hope you like them!
You know, a month is not unheard of in International Post, especially around Xmas time. I sent something to Kat in the second week of December, and it arrived in LA only 10 days ago.
The Big Box Of Buffista Baby Clothes I sent to Stephanie (in PR, so not even technically international!) took over a month to arrive - I can't remember the exact timing, but I was sure it had been lost in transit.
That's encouraging.
I guess I need to not take seriously the promises of first class mail.
Yeah, a friend of mine in the office had stuff sent from Canadia over a month ago, and it still hasn't arrived. I shall wait optimistically, anyway!
Hee hee! I call it Canadia, too!
Sometimes I call it Canadialand.
Aren't three syllables enough for you people?