2007 was an improvement over 2006. My health improved, my looks improved, and my outlook improved. My boss from hell left and the new one is really good. And Christmas with my family was quite nice (previously, the best I could hope for was not painful). So ... here's hoping 2008 is even better!
'Objects In Space'
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2007: Heaven's Just a Funky Moose
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2007? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
2007 was a time of exponential personal growth for me. Recent shenanigans have managed to derail any sense of accomplishment I derive from that knowledge, but it's still true.
- I went on a road trip in Feb., seeing more of this beautiful state I live in
- I grew more comfortable with the idea that I can fuck up and still be loved
- I got a new job in a very interesting field
- I got my motorcycle license and an awesome motorcycle
- I pushed my internal boundaries further than they've been stretched
- I started learning how to play guitar
- I grew to accept events in my past
- I spent Christmas with my extended family for the first time in 15 years
However, it was also the year that the need for privacy online was hammered home to me. As comfortable as this (and other) board feels, the information is public and can be (in my case, has been) used against oneself.
2008 is going to be my Year of Growing Outward - in the metaphorical sense only, hopefully.
Congrats, bonny!
Thanks lib! I've been using the time as if I have been freed from jail. It's great.
Speaking of things to be thankful for...Todd! I think of you every day as I use the shortsexyhair and Bedhead products you gave me. Since this is the season of unrepentant hathair, they have come in more than handy. Thanks again...so much! And it's nice to hear that things are going well for you.
Jars, it was, is perfect. Thank you so much!
Kate P, oh good, I'm glad you liked it all. The See's is a custom mix - yay for Deena's database!
I got a package from Santa Q. Buffista today!
I now have a plush yeast microbe, a aptly named puzzle, a portable "self destruction" button, and 3 Godiva hot cocoa mixes! The very funny card (penguins!) tells me I have Jessica to thank.
Thank you, Jessica! I love all of it. I've already tormented the cats with the self destruct button, been confounded by the puzzle, and considered naming the yeast plush Oberon. I suspect cocoa will happen this evening.
Slacker report:
I'm just about to bundle Matilda out the door to mail off my Merry Slackmas present (appropriately enough, packaged in a lovely big velvet box that victor and Lea slacked me with last year or the year before). There are two extra bits to the gift, but I ordered those from a third party who's sending them directly to my slackee so their delivery is not so much under my control. I'm embarrassed as hell at my lateness, but I think it's a nice little bundle of good treats.
I'm still waiting for the second part of my slackee's gift to arrive by mail order, so it may end up being a Happy Groundhog's Day! present rather than a late Christmas gift.
I just read that as JZ bundling Matilda into the mail for her Secret Santee. Errr....
Now, THAT would be an SS gift to remember.
Oh yay, it got there! I hope you like the geeky toys.