Slacker report:
I'm just about to bundle Matilda out the door to mail off my Merry Slackmas present (appropriately enough, packaged in a lovely big velvet box that victor and Lea slacked me with last year or the year before). There are two extra bits to the gift, but I ordered those from a third party who's sending them directly to my slackee so their delivery is not so much under my control. I'm embarrassed as hell at my lateness, but I think it's a nice little bundle of good treats.
I'm still waiting for the second part of my slackee's gift to arrive by mail order, so it may end up being a Happy Groundhog's Day! present rather than a late Christmas gift.
I just read that as JZ bundling Matilda into the mail for her Secret Santee. Errr....
Now, THAT would be an SS gift to remember.
Oh yay, it got there! I hope you like the geeky toys.
that's quite a score, aurelia! what fun!
Upon returning to Bangkok, dizzy with exhaustion, I was delighted to find Christmas cards from Emily and Libkitty! I'm loving this whole make-the-festive-season-last thing!
Kate P, oh good, I'm glad you liked it all. The See's is a custom mix - yay for Deena's database!
Java, the chocolates were *delicious*, and all my favorites! Thanks!!
I finally sent off my Secret Slacker gift yesterday. I'm going away on vacation tomorrow until the 21st, and I'm really hoping that it'll reach my giftee by the time I get back!
Looking back at my 2007, it was mostly good. Sure, there was six to nine months of work drama and stress, and that lead to panic attacks and my doctor gently suggesting that I try Celexa, but hey! I now feel better than I have in years, and the work drama straightened itself out and I'm on a good team now. So that was okay.
2007 involved doing fun things: the Vampire Ball, Convergence 13 (gothy-goth dress-up weekends, the both of them); going to concerts (and getting to very briefly meet my current Rock Star Crush Object); getting new tattoos. Of course, the best and biggest thing of all for me: zomg book contract!
Which means that for me, 2008 is going to be all about writing. With occasional fancy gothy-goth dress-up events, because I will go insane unless I get to do that sort of thing. 2008 is off to a good start, because I spent the first week of it at Disney World with friends. (Not to mention I got a ton of material for future GCS writing ...)