My best friend gave me the coolest present ever, a Genographic Project Kit. (Yes, she did spend too much.)
Spike ,'Conversations with Dead People'
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2007: Heaven's Just a Funky Moose
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2007? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
"Paper goods" is also fairly non-descriptive while being factual, about anything from notepaper to books to decks of cards.
If you feel you have to tumble to "jewelry," use "costume" rather than "plastic and metal", as the latter can easily set off mental defense alarms.
"Metal, glass, ceramic and paper goods. Candle." is nicely factual and non-descriptive of, say, a glass-and-metal votive holder with candle, a decorative figurine, a book, and a paper fan. And I always undervalue so that my recipient doesn't have to pay customs charges.
Dude, Ginger, that's an awesome present!
Cool beans, Ginger. What a great idea.
So, I've been meaning to post for a bit, I got my giftie from Big Duluth! There was a bit of a saga, tho. Early in the month, I came home to a UPS notice on my door, dated December 3, but it was December 5. I thought that was odd, I don't generally send things to the house, because there's no one to sign for them*. I call UPS and they say "we tried to deliver" I say "I know that, I just don't know what it is!" They tell me that it's from "CHAT-oh Mar-something". I am confused. I say, "Okay, well can you redeliver to a new address?". usually, that's not an issue. They said, we've already done one redelivery address. Turns out that someone got the original address wrong, so they called the shipper and they gave them the right address. I said "that's not a redelivery, that's a correction" But, alas, nothing.
So, I used my Googlefu and and figured out where it came from. I called the winery, left a message. No dice. Then, the next day I called UPS to find out where the office is so I can go pick up the package, and they tell me that they've sent it back! I said "what? I thought that you were supposed to hold it for 5 days." She said "yeah, I don't know what happened" She was supremely unconcerned. And got less concerned and more rude as the conversation went on.
I escalated to a supervisor,and made them return the shipping costs. Then I called the winery and told them that the package had been returned and it needed to be resent. they said "well, you're going to have to pay shipping" I said "no, I'm not, they've refunded the shipping"
I confirmed the new address, and several days later, received a bottle of "Frosty Dog", a dessert wine, that I believe is an ice wine! I haven't had a chance to try it, but I'm looking forward to it!
- This whole saga is my fault because I wasn't thinking when I gave Nilly my address, I wasn't thinking about packages.
Yeah I'm so glad that whole ordeal is over. They took it from both ends... (hee!) and still couldn't get it correct, especially part about the holding it for 5 days. My favorite part was when UPS told me Chatteau Morrisette cut off part of your address (the street) and that they (UPS) were trying to send you a letter to see if the amputated address was correct. I also like where it was held in the local office because they couldn't "find the city". As for the wine it is an ice wine. Good stuff indeed. I really hope you like it!
I'm actually really psyched that it's an ice wine. I just saw an episode of The Thirsty Traveler on ice wines, so I've been wanting to try one. Perfect choice!
I just got home from Christmas travel to find a box addressed to me from C. Krit Santa! And it's the Ultimate Buffista Experience, too -- cilantro flakes, guacomole mix, a Lush bath bomb, a princess pin, a book titled Commas Are Your Friend, a skull eraser, and Smashbox Photo Finish! (I think I'm forgetting something, too, in my glee.) Awesomeness.
Thank you so much, C. Krit Santa! Whom I think is meara, but I could be wrong...
Cilantro flakes & Guac mix = Brilliant!
Thanks, Santa Aurelia!
For the cute bag containing the following:
"The Tao of The Bada Bing"(the wisdom of the Sopranos)
A Christmas mix disc, which sounds very cool, but I haven't heard yet
Denis Leary's Merry Fucking Christmas
paperback Worst Person In The World magnet
hee. yes, the ultimate buffista experience was indeed me! i was worries, when i brought it to the post office it was raining, and they couldnt get the postage to stay on! glad it got there!