I think my gift went out today... well, that's what I've been told. I'll have no t'internets until early January I think though, so I won't be able to squee until then if my gift arrives. Merry Christmas if I don't get onto the internet before Christmas!
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2007: Heaven's Just a Funky Moose
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2007? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
Yep, the note cards were in there, and the mints and the "Delete" erasers, and the finger puppet. So many fun little bits and pieces!
I got a wee bit of mine out yesterday; it should get to the giftee sometime during the 12 days of Christmas. Off now to change Matilda and go out in pursuit of the rest of the gift.
Yep, the note cards were in there
Oh good! I had a small part in producing those. I thought you'd like the cakes!
Lee, you are an absolute dear. Seriously.
If any of you ever have the opportunity to loan Lee dvds, do it. If it takes her a while to mail them back to you, look forward to the day that she finally does. Not because of the returned dvds, because if you're like me, you will have forgotten who borrowed them... and possibly that you even owned them in the first place.
But look forward to the day because she is lovely and wonderful and will possibly mail you lots of other things along with the dvds. Things like books and chocolates and soaps - and if you have furry roomies, they will be *very* happy with their gifts, as well.
Thank you, Lee. For the gifts, yes, but also just for being you. Mwah!
Secret santee! Your gift will get to you before the end of the 12 days of Xmas.
I hope you like the stuff Nicole. It got there fast.
Well, apart from the 14 month wait.
I mailed mine today before leaving town. usps, cause ups pissed me off, said they "cant" mail things other than 1 or 2 day ship today. un, suuuuure. but im hoping it gets there. the guy couldnt get postage to stick to the wet box, so i fear it may disappear. ack.
The year seemed to be going well, everything seemed on track. It looked like things were headed for a banner year. And then in September, everything came off the rails. There was a complete meltdown. Nothing would go right. It was a collapse of legendary proportions.
God dammit, the Mets really blew it this year.
As for me—let’s just say that I made progress this year. My 40th birthday was awesome. I’m a more aware of my feelings. I’m willing to take a few more risks. But therapy has gotten dark for me lately. I’ve hardly touched on the really hard stuff, and I wonder if I can go through with it. But then again, I really don’t have much of a choice. I can’t stand being alone any more.
apart from the 14 month wait
That long, eh? You'd think I would've noticed, but nsm. And I loved everything! Thank you again. It couldn't have arrived at a better time.
Also, Ashton almost slashed my fingers off just now for another pinch of the catnip. Total crackhead.
Yay for progress, Tom! May you find the strength you need to get through the dark.