Lets all move to Freedonia!
If it makes you feel better about your head of state, our Taoiseach was recently giving evidence in a tribunal investigating his finances a few years ago. His excuse for the discrepancies in his finances? He deposited a briefcase full of foreign currencies at one point.
Who uses that as an EXCUSE? What world would you have to be living in to think that carrying around a briefcase full of cash is the lesser of two evils?
No, no you keep your cash in the freezer.
Yes, I would say that the closest thing would be Norway and Finland. Small, open societies with strong cultures of communal responsibility.
It's difficult to study whole societies, but there was a fun study done a couple of years ago, looking at the parking tickets received by UN staff from different countries. It's a good variable because no one ever demands payment of tickets from foreign diplomats. You can get tickets forever without any consequences, so the usual sanctions have no influence over the behavior. It's kind of a measure of what people would do if they couldn't be caught. If you don't park illegally, it has to be due to something other than tickets.
Diplomats from most developing countries and those from eastern Europe got tickets almost every day. Diplomats from most western European countries got occasional tickets. Diplomats from the Scandiavian countries and Finland never got tickets. Don't they understand? They have a free pass!
No, they never learned. They just plodded along doing the right thing.
Someone just suggested to me that I should "get" Anita Roddick for an event. Anita Roddick who founded the Body Shop.
Anita Roddick who died in September.
Yeah, maybe not...
I really like Bill Richardson, who is reasonable, experienced, personable, and doesn't seem to have a chance in hell.
And the home of the knave!
Yeah, maybe not...
I doubt Jesse's committment to Sparkle Motion.
My dad would go ballistic on my mother if she got parking tickets. Ballistic. The numbers were posted yearly in London, and I think it was his mission (har) to get Jamaica in the zeroes every time.
Normal people get tickets every now and again, though. But that wasn't good enough for my father.