Anyone got any opinions on Northwest?
My dad flew Northwest to Alaska this summer and had the worst flight ever. However, they were in the middle of their pilots' intentional slowdown (next step down from a strike), so I'm sure that's why he got stuck in Minneapolis overnight instead of making his connections.
Why on earth would she go out to dinner with her ex-husband and his current wife and their son?
My dad hosted dinner a few days before my sister's wedding in October for those of us in the immediate family including my mom (his long-time ex), but we've only had meals together on special occasions like that a handful of times in the nearly 30 years they've been divorced.
I flew Northwest to Cleveland recently. Aside from getting stuck in Cleveland from the weather, the entire trip went very well. They were nice enough in the face of travel disaster and airport shutdowns.
Why on earth would she go out to dinner with her ex-husband and his current wife and their son? Granted, her two children were there, but there's plenty of other time for her to see them.
My stepfather's ex-wife stayed at the house with him and my mom during some holiday event. I mean, the whole family was there but still. Weird.
Mostly I thought it was weird that that was the first thing my mother and grandmother asked about. Especially given the relationships. Meh.
I think there is a negative gravity shield that is built in to sofas. They are impossible to break free from.
and even if you do break free from the sofa, it will pull you back in.
it is the law of sofa
Ah, that explains why I have spent most of the weekend on the sofa and could never force myself to grade papers. Instead I have been on the computer and reading a book.
Darn the law of sofa...
Do not forget the Law of the Comfy Chair.
It draws you in much like the sofa, but allows you a false sense of accomplishment because you are sitting up instead of lying down.
Plus if you're not careful in your comfy chair, before you know it you can have a cat sitting on your lap, and then you're doubly-screwed....
Craigslist ad for a psychic: reading,s by chanel
Location: planet,,earth,universe.???
You'd need a psychic (or a shrink) to figure out just what is going on in this ad. Although my guess would be "drugs."