You need a CAT!
Not always a help. We recently watched a mouse creep up on the cat food bowl, pull itself up on the edge, then begin eating--all while Shadow was munching contentedly from the bowl! Shadow didn't even twitch an ear!
Some cats are better at the whole predator thing than others.
You need a CAT!
yes! In fact, you should get many cats, and some cute little kittens!
I am glad you are feeling better, Alibelle. You should come visit us more.
Thanks, Lee! I think my main problem, besides some serious bad luck, is that I don't really want to move, I just don't really have a choice about it. And I'm just so nervous about my cats. And I feel like I have little to no control over the situation. But I would totally come here more often if I ever got the chance to do so during the day. I'm just usually so busy with project after project that I don't always get a chance to even check my personal email.
That sucks that you have to move, Alibelle. I hope you find something soon.
Today is my LAST class until next year!
Today is my last work day until next year! Except for next week, but that's only three days. Plus my boss will be out of town. And the trains will be pretty empty. And traffic will be light, so maybe I could drive to work. If I can find my car keys....
Also, Happy First Day of Winter, West-Coasters!
For those of us in the Eastern and Middle (Central Time zone) of the US, we don't get our first day of winter until tomorrow. (Winter Solstice is 10:08 PM board time today.)
Egg McMuffin: New Disney Monorail: [link]
They actually look futuristic again.
And it's my dad's birthday! I hope I remember to call him...