Today is my last work day until next year! Except for next week, but that's only three days. Plus my boss will be out of town. And the trains will be pretty empty. And traffic will be light, so maybe I could drive to work. If I can find my car keys....
Also, Happy First Day of Winter, West-Coasters!
For those of us in the Eastern and Middle (Central Time zone) of the US, we don't get our first day of winter until tomorrow. (Winter Solstice is 10:08 PM board time today.)
Egg McMuffin: New Disney Monorail: [link]
They actually look futuristic again.
And it's my dad's birthday! I hope I remember to call him...
First they came for the goats, but I had no goats and said nothing....
Carol Medenhall of Dibble, OK received two tickets: one for allowing her goats to be seen mating in her yard, and another for allowing her goats to be seen relieving themselves in her yard.
City law said it is illegal for any two animals to have sex in public within Dibble city limits.
It's also against law for them to relieve themselves in public even if the animal is fenced in on private land.
A bunch more science tattoos: [link]
Really, the quality and variety have improved quite a lot since the whole science tattoo meme first surfaced.
OMG, it's the scandal of the century!
U.S. probes chocolate makers for price fixing
Not only that, but the
are looking into the matter....
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department is looking into possible price fixing in the chocolate industry, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday on its Web site.
Last month, Canadian authorities launched a similar probe into price fixing at the Canadian units of major chocolate makers Nestle SA, Cadbury Schweppes Plc, Hershey Co and Mars Inc.
Also, where is everybody?
in bitches, admiring MM's triad o'pain.
Rejoicing that we already got the message that we can leave at 2 today! Good thing, because none of my house-cleaning plans of last night came to fruition.
working...sadly...and tiredly...