I slept for 3 1/2 hours last night. I didn't realize that compared to a bunch of you, that was well-rested. Geez.
I have also been driving around town looking for Vacancy signs, but I had to give it up after two hours, since the rain was making it tricky to see, and my arms were getting tired from the aggressive backing into and out of steep parking ramps that happen to be located within a hilly neighborhood.
In completely unrelated news, does anyone know a really good conditioner? My hair looks like total crap lately.
Jesse, did you synch with lala? Smonster said it messed up her itunes.
I hope the housing search starts going better.
Alibelle, I meant to say earlier how very sorry I am about your apartment search. I really do know how incredibly stressful that kind of search under pressure can be, and I hope you find something great soon. (I, too, had the cat handicap and the dilemma between affordable and safe when I got evicted from the first place I lived in Burbank due to zoning bullshit.)
Alibelle sometimes just changing conditioners makes a big change. If you use the same one for too long you can get a bad build up.
ION, we have mice.
We're not happy about this.
I just woke up from a two hour nap, and I find four delightful posts that just made me feel better, and explain why I love you guys so much, even though I don't have time to visit as much as I used to do. You're wonderfully sympathetic, practical, full of good advice, and hilarious.
And cats are totally awesome. Mice are so not. Ew. Sorry, guys! That really bites.
You need a CAT!
Not always a help. We recently watched a mouse creep up on the cat food bowl, pull itself up on the edge, then begin eating--all while Shadow was munching contentedly from the bowl! Shadow didn't even twitch an ear!
Some cats are better at the whole predator thing than others.
You need a CAT!
yes! In fact, you should get many cats, and some cute little kittens!
I am glad you are feeling better, Alibelle. You should come visit us more.
Thanks, Lee! I think my main problem, besides some serious bad luck, is that I don't really want to move, I just don't really have a choice about it. And I'm just so nervous about my cats. And I feel like I have little to no control over the situation. But I would totally come here more often if I ever got the chance to do so during the day. I'm just usually so busy with project after project that I don't always get a chance to even check my personal email.
That sucks that you have to move, Alibelle. I hope you find something soon.