It is really, really windy out there. Power flickering windy. Knocked over xmas trees on balconies windy. And I'm realizing that should the power go out, I'm going to really miss the internet. Pre-dead-screen, I could still be online without power. Not so much with an external monitor.
Sigh. Once I'm done spending money for the month, I'll start thinking about a new laptop.
Local npr station just lost power, I'd guess. It went off air abruptly.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say Bacon Salt is not for me.
guess what Lee gets in her stocking this year
I tried to drive to ita's place by myself, and got very lost, and then i cried.
I hate being directionally stupid.
Allyson, you need to put a little TomTom Nav system on your birthday list. I cry without my Nav in LA.
You are directionally challenged, not stupid. It happens. I can't tell nswe directions except at sunrise and sunset, so I get very frustrated when given directions based on that, because I'm basically screwed. I'm a "turn left at the target" directions person.
What Kristin and sarameg said!!!
I am sorry that anything to do with me incurred tears in Allyson. I'd hoped I was pretty good at keeping the crying to being a me job.
OK. Cream cheese/pesto/etc torta is done, if totally messy and not up to standards. It will still taste good! Secret snowflake gift is wrapped. Cards for staff are written. I think I'm ready for the office party tomorrow, although I'm starting to think I've spent a ridiculous amount of money on these people.