"After doing an ultrasond, I don't see anything. So, the only proof we have that you are pregnant is that you say you are."
"What a coincidence! The only proof I have that you've provided any services requiring payment from me or my insurance company is you saying you have."
The VA couldn't figure out for a couple weeks that my SIL was pregnant. Of course, neither could she, but they had equiptment and tests and shit, they just didn't know how to use them correctly. So she had weeks where they kept pushing all these horrible diagnoses on her. That were wrong. When she ran into one of the stupid people months later, she held T up and said "I was pregnant, you dumbass." She really isn't tactful or forgiving. But she's pretty funny about it.
blerg. I hate the CFL light bulbs I have. They fugly!
I don't like them either and snarl at JZ whenever she tries to sneak them into the house.
she held T up and said "I was pregnant, you dumbass." She really isn't tactful or forgiving. But she's pretty funny about it.
Can the CFL lightbulbs not be hidden by pretty light fixtures?
We got led lights for the Christmas tree, and they are SO blue. You don't notice it much when the tree is the only thing lit in the house, but when any other light is on - we are mostly CFL but have a few incandescent lights left - SO blue.
Can the CFL lightbulbs not be hidden by pretty light fixtures?
I meant the light, really. It's pukey.
Can the CFL lightbulbs not be hidden by pretty light fixtures?
They are a bit bigger than regular light bulbs, but the newest ones manage to coil them pretty tight. Most of ours are behind fixtures now.
I have CFL in the bathroom and livingroom. I like them in the bathroom because it makes a noticeable temp difference in the summer.
I begrudge the one in the livingroom. Really, I want my halogen back!
I think tact and forgiveness need to be avoided when it comes to the VA. Or at least, the VA where they are. They've screwed up so much with her, with potentially really bad consequences, it really isn't funny.
I meant the light, really. It's pukey.
The light seems pretty decent to me though it depends on how new the bulbs are. The new ones are a lot better, then problem is that they last so long that we still have 4-5 year old ones that do have the sucky light.
I thought halogen were less wasteful than regular incandescent.
I have CFL in all but 4 light fixtures. I don't mind them at all. I think having their light diffused by shades helps a bit. The only place they feel particularly fluorescent-y is in the basement, where there seem to clash with the 1970's wood panelling aesthetic.