My co-workers think I am a ROCK STAR. Our server is on life support, yet we aren't installing a new one until December 30. Why are we waiting to take care of something that is crucial to the continued existence of our product? No one knows.
In any case, Chatty!co-worker's Mac has the largest hard drive in my department, so he copied all our relevant files onto his hard drive (which is, like, 500-600 files, literally), and has been, for the last week and a half, e-mailing files back and forth between 4 of us so that we can work on them. But because we all work on a different file, at our own pace, it's resulted in him being interrupted about every 10 minutes: "[Chatty], can you e-mail me this? [Chatty], can you e-mail me that? [Chatty], I'm e-mailing you a new version of the file I e-mailed you 2 hours ago, make sure you overwrite the one on your hard drive," etc.
Imagine the possibilities for fuck-ups.
Anyway. I just networked our 4 computers (3 Macs, 1 PC running Windows XP), using Chatty's Mac as the "server," in about 5 minutes, because Macs are MADE OF AWESOME.
My co-workers are looking at me as if I just created life out of the primordial ooze.