The Spanish I get from this client always seems odd to me, but I can just kinda sorta read Spanish.
All I did this weekend was work and a little straightening, interspersed with rescuing shoes from the dog. I do seem to have made some pepper vodka that is possibly lethal.
Hey, Consuela, is it your birthday?
Skipping ahead to say that my Monday grated on my nerves up to the point that I came home. Upon coming home I opened up a letter saying that the judge didn't drop the traffic charges (expired inspection and plates) and that because I missed a letter somewhere and didn't take care of something mentioned in their letter, my license has been suspended! Now I have to find a way to take the time from work to go pay the court, and then pay the evilness living at the DMV to have it back.
urgh. Hey, did you get my emails?
urgh. Hey, did you get my emails?
Sure enough I just sent one back
Friday: After a billion hours at SFO , finally made it to Seattle. Ran around bumping in to carolers in Seattle. Soak in hot tub. champagne and strawberries.
Saturday: pike place market, pioneer square , played " what wll make you take home the 5000.00 dollar rug with a rug dealer), Experience Music project, and A visit to A music Store, Dusty Strings. champagne and strawberries.
Sunday: Brunch all day with the Seattle peeps. Too full for dinner, but we found a jazz club soak in hot tub. champagne and strawberries.
Monday: Watch matt buy new computer bag - and then take a tour because it was all made in the US. Visit Seattle's library and find the red floor. On the drive to the airport , remember that today is our actual anniversary. fly home ,pet cat, eat pizza. no champagne or strawberries.
msbelle, those are brilliant!
My weekend felt very much like just a bit too much. Friday work, then a concert at the kids' daycare, then home. Can't remember dinner, so it was probably cheap take-out. Yep, cheap take-out plus The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
Saturday I did housework, picked up ita and took her to the pharmacy and then home. Then I ran errands with Franny while Isaac napped. Then a party for my AngeLingo editors in the evening which meant the kids got to play with friends until the v. v. late hour of 9:30 pm. Then home to bed.
Sunday I lay out contact paper in shelving, realized there wasn't enough, moped when I realized that the kitchen work wouldn't be finished that day anyway, then graded most of the afternoon. Then it was out to dinner, and back home to grade some more.
Okay, I am just now finishing my work for the day. What is wrong with this picture? (Admittedly I didn't technically start till around 5 PM, Arizona time. This is what life is like working for ourselves.)
Still, I feel like I got a lot accomplished, both for work and for the house (bought tile! did math to calculate paintable surface areas! decided on paint colors! set up a website for our new project! sent email to the board regarding banking issues!)
So now I'm tired, but hopefully the day was productive and the week will be, too. Painting starting next Wednesday! Work team for tiling scheduled in for the 27th!
We won't be in by Christmas, but we should be in mid January if all goes well.
Whee! I'm always cheered by hearing the news about Impending House.
I woke up WITHOUT a sinus headache, so the day is already a big win.