I don't speak Spanish, so that looks OK to me, but what do I know?
So, remember how I was going to give my out-of-town staff person a starbucks gift card? Yeah, come to find out today she doesn't actually like starbucks! Good thing I bought the actual card yesterday! Bah. Maybe I can sell it to an unconnected coworker who does like it.
I just bagged out of a marketing research survey after the third question...
I always WANT to answer those surveys, but then I'm suspicious. Like, how do I know it's not (a) just going to turn into a sales call, or worse yet (b) all an elaborate identity-theft ruse? I mean, they ask how old I am, if I'm single, how much I make...I'm thinking you could totally use that to narrow down a list of whose place you want to break into, no?
But first, I must make progress on organizing and clearing out that room. I made some headway over the summer, and then entropy happened again
If it would help, Jilli, I could trade you motivational time. I come motivate you one day, you come motivate me one day...
"First they came for the verbs, and I said nothing because verbing weirds language. Then they arrival for the nouns, and I speech nothing because I no verbs." -- Peter Ellis.
I kind of love this.
Ginger, it doesn't seem quite right, but my spanish is not up to the task of fixing?
crap. I'm so tired that I can't remember what I did this weekend. Which was just yesterday, wasn't it?
Hmmm.. stretching the brain.
Friday? It was rainy so we stayed home.
Saturday? Took the Saturn to the dealer to get a roof rack (K's take? "I like it better with a roof rack. It looks cooler some how") and to get the 30K service. Dinner at Oinkster! which is the best name ever.
Sunday? Breakfast at Panera and got mom's gift at the Farmer's Market. Allyson came over and she and K went to see Grace. Finished Xmas cards. Had porkchops! Went to the Studio City holiday parade, but Noah got cold so we went home before the Caroling Truck.
Then work today. Where the school PTA provided lunch and a holiday thing. The PTA hired a party planner to plan and decorate it, along with a rental company to bring in stuff. Seriously. I find that batshit.
I am now kinda obsessed with Panera's souffle thingies. Damned you.
eta: and Porto's, but we don't have those here, so I can just suck it up.
The Spanish I get from this client always seems odd to me, but I can just kinda sorta read Spanish.
All I did this weekend was work and a little straightening, interspersed with rescuing shoes from the dog. I do seem to have made some pepper vodka that is possibly lethal.
Hey, Consuela, is it your birthday?
Skipping ahead to say that my Monday grated on my nerves up to the point that I came home. Upon coming home I opened up a letter saying that the judge didn't drop the traffic charges (expired inspection and plates) and that because I missed a letter somewhere and didn't take care of something mentioned in their letter, my license has been suspended! Now I have to find a way to take the time from work to go pay the court, and then pay the evilness living at the DMV to have it back.
urgh. Hey, did you get my emails?
urgh. Hey, did you get my emails?
Sure enough I just sent one back