I feel like my weekend disappeared into the aether. I can't remember what I did. The SO was gone for part of it as he had a jazz gig in NM back with his old group. I rented a car, partially for free, and they gave me a PT Cruiser, so I tooled around in that some. Got firewood, taught lessons, got the propane hooked up, taught more lessons. Went to a new church then watched a bunch of football (go Colts).
Today we tried to do our normal location but got stymied by the weather. We'll try again on Wednesday, but that means that I have only the half day today to take care of admin stuff. So I'd better get after it.
Oh, and spent a lot of money--ordered the tile. The insulation is done, the drywall is up, the tape & texture guys are in now. Next Wednesday we'll paint trim & walls. The following Thursday, the work team will come in to do the tile.
My weekend, I ran a D&D game on Friday night (fun! I killed someone too. Bad GM!). Saturday, watched more Buffy with Wallybee. She's a bit hooked. Sunday, we attended her cousin's wedding (just a registry deal, their big ceremonies are happening in China). That was fun. I'm doing better with spoken Chinese, on the twin criteria of (a) recognising more words when I'm listening, and (b) making Wallybee crack up when I'm speaking.
Saturday: running around, getting cold meds and groceries and stuff. Family birthday party + tree trimming.
Sunday: running around, getting insulated drapes and groceries. Brunching. Mocking Pete for foolishly telling Jilli about the pink stuff.
All days: blowing my nose.
I spent the weekend watching dvds and trying to stay warm.
Tonight: Freezing rain.
Tomorrow: Regular rain.
Later on tomorrow: More freezing rain.
Jericho in a Nutshell - spoilery for season 1 - but I don't think it reveals anything about season 2. I'm not sure because I haven't been able to get the whole thing to download. (It's only 2:49 minutes - I'm on dial-up.)
Frenchy's in LA was mentioned in today's CSMonitor. [link]
Calendar for funeral homes: [link] Has pictures of sexy women posing with caskets. Worksafe (has pictures of women in bras).
Click on the picture or the months below.