So what did people do this weekend?
Took a half-day off on Friday and did a little shopping, then was home before 4:00. Slept and did a little Christmas tree decorating that night. Worked 8 hours at the bookstore, then was too tired and achy to go to a friend's Xmas party that night, so I napped, ordered in BBQ chicken, salad and gelato, and did a bit more cleaning. Sunday, I got up early, finished cleaning and decorating my tree (which came out beautifully!), put away my tree and decorations boxes in storage, and then went out shopping with ChiKat. Spent waaay too much at the bookstore (only got presents for two people, but spent a lot on myself) and dinner (but cheese fondue was very yummy, as was the yin/yang dessert of dark and white chocolate for dipping strawberries, bananas, brownies, and cheesecake into!).
Political quote of the day?
"I really know nothing about the Cuban missile crisis," [Dana] Perino said. "It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I'm pretty sure."
Perino said she went home that night and asked her husband, "'Wasn't that, like, the Bay of Pigs thing?' And he said, 'Oh, Dana.'"
Friday, went to see our nephew's band play in their first "real" gig--even if it was a pre-pre-pre show opener. He's the lead singer and it went well, except for the poor guy getting his nose sliced by a peg on the bass player's guitar. He finished the set but had to get stitiches. For the rest of his life when people ask him where he got the scar, he can say "during a gig at the Roxy on Sunset" which could not be cooler. After the show, went to a friend's 40th b-day party. Saturday, worked and then went with our friend H to dinner and to see Juno. She just got back from New Zealand, and it was awesome to hear about her trip. Sunday--cleaning, shopping, laundry, then cookie party down the block and met lots of new neighbors.
So what did people do this weekend?
Yuletide. Which I will attempt to finish tonight after I nap.
Hospital, krav holiday party, massive sleeping.
Timelies all!
Today is G's birthday, so I'm taking him out to dinner before we go to dance group.
Lunch with friends, purchased furniture, lugged furniture up 150 million steps, discovered furniture was missing a vital component, failed to turn up replacement vital component, bought gifts for best friend's family, unpacked stuff.
I went to a combination brunch/tree trimming party and spent a lot of time yakking and knitting,
My weekend was working on sewing projects, going to a holiday party (and marveling at a white artificial tree decorated entirely with tea cups), and brunch on Sunday that lasted all day.
During brunch, Pete discovered that IKEA sells cupcake-pink chests of drawers, shelves, and a computer desk. He very foolishly told me. I now am plotting to re-organize and decorate my upstairs storage heap room. The only flaws in this plan are (1) my saving up for frivolous pink furniture, and (2) hypnotizing Pete so he is willing to spend hours painting black bats on the frivolous pink furniture.
Except for ita's, people's weekends sound fun. Yay.