With apologies to migraine sufferers:
Migraines can be effectively treated with a combination of acupressure, energy and eye exercises and correct breathing patterns.
All of the people I have helped with migraines have been shown to breathe incorrectly and consequently the energy in the body gets stuck above the shoulders and becomes lodged in the head creating pressure, tension and headache.
With correct breathing, energy can be moved downward. Eye rotations and exercises help to disperse trapped energy and by stimulating specific acupoints on the face, feet, legs, head and shoulders, the energy can begin to flow in its proper channels.
I have a healing room in my home in West Rogers Park
Ah, Rogers Park. Where the hippies live....
Eye rotations and exercises help to disperse trapped energy
What a coincidence - I'm practicing eye rotations right now as I'm reading this!
A buffista-ish xkcd comic: [link]
Yeah, still I do that once in a while....
He probably can't be prosecuted for practicing medicine without a license, though.
What a coincidence - I'm practicing eye rotations right now as I'm reading this!
HA! Awesome. Well played, Jess. Well played.
Susan, getting dehydrated gives me a headache (feels like a band of steel tightening around my skull) and can make me a little nauseous. Also, weak and tired feeling.
My across-the-hall neighbors, the sisters?
One has Lyme Disease, and mental illness.
So her sister took her to some charlatan to perform an exorcism, and is now doing seances to get rid of the bad spirits in the house that are making her sister act crazy.
I've realized that it's important for me to stop caring, or I'll take Lyme Disease out of the house one of these days, drive her to a hospital, and have her sign herself in for observation.
You see, while Sister Without Lyme can't be assed to fill out social security disability paperwork for her sister that would at least give her access to medical care and a bit of money, she has plenty of time to find someone who claims to be able to perform exorcisms.
Ima astral project my fist in her face, if I don't stop caring.
Next door neighbor sat me down to tell me all of this because she's all shaken up about it, but made me swear to keep my mouth shut. I flipped out, because all i can see is the abuse of a mentally ill person who can't care for herself, or make any sort of informed decision about her care.
Next door neighbor gave me an angry speech about how it isn't our business, it's a family issue and these are THEIR BELIEFS.
So I'm all, "dude. No such thing as ghosts, evil spirits, demons, and I can't believe this sentence is coming out of my mouth, but doesn't the fucking arch diocese have to approve a fucking exorcism? Who is this exorcist, and where can I find her, because I'm going to perform a Darwinectomy."
Which led to us not talking, anymore. Because I'm making fun of people who believe in god. Or something.
Also, Sister Without Lyme got her contact info for the exorcist from a sleezy old slobby guy she met in a bar who says he's a producer and is going to make her famous.
I'm no industry insider, but dude. DUDE.
At any rate, I realized two things:
1. I have friends who deserve my concern, and these aren't those.
2. I really have had such limited experience with mind-numbingly, willfully stupid people that I don't have any clue how to react.
I have a hivemind question. My mother tells me she wants a dvd of HMS Pinafore by an Australian company, but does not remember the name of the Australian company.
Does anyone know of a version that meets these guidelines?
eta ugh, Allyson.
Jesus, Allyson. It's sad, but it does sound like removing yourself from the situation is the best thing you can do.