I love it when I'm reading another blog/discussion board and recognize a Buffista! IOW, I was going to wave at you, JZ, over at Shapely Prose, but decided to say "I saw you!" over here.
Hey! I've been commenting there for a while now! (Go back far enough in Kate's archives, and she actually links to some posts in myotherblogwhichInevermentionever.)
tommyrot, I suggest shoe shopping on the way home. You might even buy some socks so you can go home with dry feet.
Yeah, I should do that. Maybe some sort of "boot" might be effective as well....
I just recently started reading the comments at SP--I got out of the habit of reading those after getting bogged down in political blog comment sections like Daily Kos and Firedoglake, which are normally just little blurby "How are you?" comments with very little substance to them. Even the Shakesville comments can get troll-infested and hard to take.
ION, does anyone know of a chain store to buy decent-quality, but not too expensive, ornaments at? I'm going to a holiday party this weekend that has an ornament exchange, so I'd like a nice one that doesn't cost much more than $5-10.
Back from dentist. Again.
Mouth numb. Sad.
Also? Annoyed. Want to go home and sip chicken broth and be miserable.
Kathy, Cost Plus World Market
Make sure you don't eat anything that involves chewing, Allyson--my dentist reminded me of that fact when I had fillings replaced recently, and I ate too soon and managed to chomp on my tongue a few times without knowing it.
Oooh, World Market! I'll have to head over there on Payday Friday and check them out. I was originally going to head over to Long Grove and go to the Christmas store, but that's really extending my lunch break too long.
Susan, I don't know if you're still looking, but how about Cary Elwes from his Princess Bride role?
For ornaments, World Market is good. I've also found some nice ones at T.J. Maxx and Marshalls.
Furnace dude is almost done. Looks like it's $100 for the inspection and over $300 for a new part (just the parts, not the labor) for the furnace. I'm going to have to call our home warranty company first, before scheduling repairs. It's not urgent and we won't die of carbon monoxide poisoning and the furnace appears to be working for now.
Still, in this weather, it's best to get this stuff done ASAP.