Furnace dude is almost done. Looks like it's $100 for the inspection and over $300 for a new part (just the parts, not the labor) for the furnace. I'm going to have to call our home warranty company first, before scheduling repairs. It's not urgent and we won't die of carbon monoxide poisoning and the furnace appears to be working for now.
Still, in this weather, it's best to get this stuff done ASAP.
Yes - you never know when the evil white powder will turn on you and attack!
WRT the link Dana gave: While she's on target about the mime costume, to me the equally disturbing effect is that KK somehow looks like a man in drag.
I just set up my Wii. Played tennis and bowling.
Jealous! I'm waiting until Wii Fit comes out to buy one.
Oh and until I have a job again. Fiscal responsibility BLOWS.
Mine was a Chanukah present from my parents. (As was just about every cool tech thing I own. Looking around, I think the only tech thing I actually bought for myself was my MacBook. TiVo, iPod, Playstation, Wii, stereo, DVD player, TV, all either birthday or Chanukah presents.)
Wii is pretty damn fun, and I'm really not a gamer.
Wii is the first game console that's ever tempted me. Worrisome.
Me too, ita! But I resisted. Then I saw the Wii Fit thing and I was done.
The thing is, you even get to make your own little icon. So cute!
Oh no. Now I really want a Wii.
Quick, someone remind me that we NEVER play with the Playstation and clearly don't need another one.