But we only have a heater in the living room.
And it is CREEPY.
Except for the person-sized gas wall units we had when I was wee (I have no idea if they blew. I remembed warming my feet on them) I've always had forced air gas heat. Boilers and radiators and scary-ass ovens in the floor kinda freak me out. Electric, less so, but still weird!
Summer = 75ish (window units on thermostats) turned off during most days.
Winter - no idea, I have zero control. it is hot in the middle of the furnaces ON cycle and it is cold right before they kick on. I know I feel cold with anything below 70.
Being a spiritual yeti, I like to leave the heat off during waking hours and just turn a space heater on near me if it's too cold. I'll break down and turn on central heat if the inside air temperature drops below about 55°. At night I turn the heat up to around 65°-66°.
Just reading about how cold you guys keep your houses makes me feel cold.
Being extremely warm-natured works well for me in the cold months, I spend almost nothing on heat. When it's above about 78° (which is maybe 9 months of the year here) my love for tall ceilings and big windows bites me in the ass with very high AC bills.
May not be worksafe, depending on your workplace. No nudity, lots of skin.
Could you work-warning that?
There is no way that having the furnace dude at your house for 2 hours can be good. He was just supposed to be inspecting it. I suspect he found a problem.
Dana, I can lesson you in the Ways of Cold Blood. There are down booties. There are cashmere layers. There are lap-blankets. And when all else fails, there is culinary ambition, to give you a reason to stand in front of your hot stove.