I guess a more accurate question is: what's a reasonable upper limit for room temperature?
For me, I think 75 is generally Way Too Hot for me in the winter because I dress like it's winter.
Well, I don't need it to be 75; but 65 is turning out to be too damn cold for me. Maybe we could try a compromise temperature of 68 or 70.
Also, I'm poor and I was raised by a skinflint, so I'd rather not waste money on utilities when I could just put on some socks and a hoodie.
Oh hell, I've been wearing 2 pairs of socks, and a sweater. Though not a hoodie, because I don't own one, and I think if I have to pull up a hood to be warm in my own home, that's too cold, and damn it, I'm paying half the heating bill now.
my toes are froze
My parents house always feels chilly to me. And they do keep it cooler than mine,but it's also a helluva lot more space to heat.
It's all about reaching an acceptable compromise without making one person freeze and the other roast alive!
My general rule is that if my (or someone else's) toes are freezing in my slippers and my nose is running and I don't have a head cold, time to turn up the heat.
I had to go off on a college housemate once. We rented a house with a dodgy furnace which was expensive to heat. I came home from class in October to find her in SHORTS, with the thermostat set at 80 degrees. It was 65 degrees outside.
Her parents were paying her share of the utility bills. I was responsible for my own living expenses so I told her to put on some pants and keep her hands off the thermostat.
Yeah, once you've reached the point where you're changing clothes to accommodate the heat, you've overdosed on thermostat power and need to seek help.
I keep mine at 68 or so. I also keep a flannel shirt in the living room, so if it starts to feel cold, i just throw it over whatever I'm wearing. I try to remember to turn it down a little at night, but it's hard.
Unrelatedly, my shoes have holes by the toes. I currently have a space heater by my desk, with my socks draped over it so they can dry.
This is perhaps not an ideal situation, huh?
I feel like I spent my entire childhood being Too Cold -- and no, an extra sweater does not make up for it. Mittens, long underwear, and a ski mask might, but at that point just go ahead and buy a log cabin and teach your kids to shoot the G-men who try to invade your sovereign territory.
Emily is me.
I am totally delusional about the cold, so I bought myself a high-tech thermometer to be able to know exactly the room temp and the temp outside (whatever the thermostat says and my body is telling me). It turns out that I can live with 65-66 most of the time (down into the 50s at night), especially because the baseboard is right in front of my toes when I am sitting at the computer.
I almost never get too hot in winter, no matter how high the thermostat is set. I'm almost always the coldest person in the room, which of itself is a reason to take up knitting.
one sock monkey one-piece for the boy
Noah has one of those! Well two of them. He has the onesie that is cream with a sock monkey print and he has the brown fleece one piece. SO CUTE.
And he has the blanket too.
Temp? In our house, I keep the daytime temp at 69-70 and we turn the heat off at night and it goes down to 60. But we only have a heater in the living room. Everything else is on space heaters. Stupid crappy floor heating system.