Oh Vortex, if you were here, you could go to Meltdown and get a soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. Though if you were here, weather might dictate that you choose something else instead; it's supposed to be 80 today.
no, that would be okay, because I love soup no matter what the weather. We would SO go. Next time I'm in LA.
Try loving Priscilla and Matrix, and then watching LOTR. Brain go 'splodey.
My Hugo Weaving icon, let me show you it.
Completely random question:
Who here has been hypnotized? Was it fun? Freaky?
I went to the grocery store for lunch. I got a sandwich and a half gallon of egg nog.
I want soup and grilled cheese with Kat and Vortex!!
At least your boss isn't substituting a "b" for the "g", Jesse! That would make a whole nother name!
My Big! Boss completely mispronounces important people's names, like the President of the whole college, when she is talking to him (His first name is Joel, and she calls him Joe. His last name is Seligman, and she calls him Seagalman).
P.S.: Have similar problems with that Elrond character, to greatly amusing effect
Agent Mitzi Elrond!
I also, obviously, love Priscilla.
(I adore Zod, but not to the same level of pink sparkle hearts and ABBA that I love Priscilla.)
I was hypnotized once back in my early teens for weight loss. It didn't take. The experience itself wasn't strange, just felt like I was half-asleep and this guy was talking to me while I was partially out of it.
I am at this present moment trying to explain to someone that if we collect birth date and graduation year, we will in fact know their age and their grade.
this is the third time I've explained this to the person.
and I am out of goldfish.
At least your boss isn't substituting a "b" for the "g", Jesse! That would make a whole nother name!
True fact.
And really, I should quit my bitching, since both here and at my grad school, the head of the whole shebang had a name that was often mispronounced, even by people who were introducing them at events! (Current boss's last name has an e with an accent, grad school dean had a German name that had a K sound spelled ch.) At least these aren't supposed to be people who look up to me getting my name wrong!