At least your boss isn't substituting a "b" for the "g", Jesse! That would make a whole nother name!
True fact.
And really, I should quit my bitching, since both here and at my grad school, the head of the whole shebang had a name that was often mispronounced, even by people who were introducing them at events! (Current boss's last name has an e with an accent, grad school dean had a German name that had a K sound spelled ch.) At least these aren't supposed to be people who look up to me getting my name wrong!
Work driving me crazy. I can't do all this.
This was supposed to be the day I got things done, the day with no meetings, the day people left me the hell alone so I could get ahead on my to-do list.
Not happening. I can't manage all this! People want things I don't know how to find, because I've only been here since June and don't know the history.
I need to go somewhere where I can scream and stomp and slam some things. Damn it.
My Hugo Weaving icon, let me show you it.
I have long thought that this is the most brilliant thing in the entire history of LJ, if not all the internets.
ack! It is SO hard not buying baby clothes for my nephew due the end of the month (just prompted to look at Zutano stuff thanks to a link in Kat's blog). But my sister-in-law has bags & bags of baby boy clothing because she has three sisters who have had 4 or 5 boys between them in the last 4 years. and he really won't need any for, oh, about never!
But the Zutano stuff is unbearably cute!!!
I want soup and grilled cheese with Kat and Vortex!!
Well, just get in the teleporter! Except I'm not having grilled cheese today, not even without Vortex. That's my next week treat. Which means no teleporter necessary. Just a plane ticket.
Today, I'm having salad, cheese and a GIANT cookie from City Bakery.
I did not know that the City Bakery in Brentwood is related to the City Bakery in NYC.
lisah, absolutely do not look at the hanna andersson sale page then.
just prompted to look at Zutano stuff thanks to a link in Kat's blog
Oops sorry, Lisa. To be an enabler though, everyone deserves at LEAST one cute outfit that was all their own. I'm not a huge Zutano fan, though Noah has some used. I'm much more of a gymboree addict. And gymboree's new cheaper cousin is Crazy 8.
To be an enabler though, everyone deserves at LEAST one cute outfit that was all their own
It's true!!! Although the boy does have 7 other aunts plus numerous great aunts and two grandmothers so I'm thinking somebody is going to cave and get him a new suit of his own! (and it may be me because that Crazy8 What a Rascal suit is omg so cute!!!)
I already got him an Eagles mobile & fleecey blanket, though. My brother is a HUGE Eagles fan. And, while I'm not a sports person myself I do support Fandom!!!