Just going back to re-read....
Thank you to all of your for you well wishes on Grace's behalf. She was more alert today and she is Very Definitely teething. She enjoyed chewing on my gloved finger for almost longer than I could tolerate.
She has viral pneumonia and she is having problems both fighting infection and breathing. Her temperature was normal today (yesterday it bounced from well below normal ~95 degrees to well above) and she made lots of eye contact.
We've been given strict anti-infection recommendations so we leave the hospital, go home, shower, change clothes before we pick up Noah. All of which will be so worth it if Little Man avoids getting sick.
Anyhow we aren't sure how long she will be hospitalized. Poor poor girl.
Man, pneumonia is terrible. Here's hoping Grace gets better and none of the rest of you get sick.
In random TV news, you know that website that shows how like every tv show ever is in the mind of the kid from St. Elsewhere via crossovers and stuff? I just noticed last week's Without a Trace takes place at Hudson U. of Law & Order fame, so that ties in all the CSIs, too! Wacky.
OH MAN. I thought I lost my timecard, but it was EXACTLY where it was supposed to be even if I didn't think it would be there.
Am. Tired.
I have to get braces to correct the bite, or I'll lose teeth.
Dang, Allyson, that sucks. Though not as much as having your jaw broken, I'm guessing.
Having done both, braces are easier. And I didn't even have to have a tooth knocked out (for straw insertion) because my jaw breakage was pre-braces and I had a Lauren Hutton gap back then.
Allyson, braces have changed a lot since you had them at 12. I'm sure they can manage something much less obvious.
~heath ma to the little one Kat.
Fingers crossed for Grace, here!
Meanwhile, I'm a-coughing up a storm, looks like I'd better dose myself up with cough medicine before leaving the house. And of course, I wouldn't get a cold until it's actually CHILLY outside, just to make it so much more of a fun experience not.
The upside of that? Hot toddies.