I'm t-daying at a friend's house here on the Hill. I offered to cook something (fresh cranberry sauce being my specialty) but she replied, "Oh honey, I have a caterer." Gotta love THAT.
I may do some decorating for her...but not much else.
Getting reorganized after my trip to stay with the oldsters will take up a couple of days (when I'm not watching VM dvds and getting caught up on ok!cupid), so it will be nice that everything is so quiet.
We're splitting up for T-Day. My wife and kids are going to northern Iowa with her parents and brother to have Thanksgiving with her great grandmother who is eleventy-one. I'm going to go to my family's get together which I haven't been to in a few years since we were always doing Thanksgiving with my wife's family.
Star Trek's 10 Cheesiest Classic Creatures
Episode: "Arena"
Description: A big lizard guy who sounds like a cross between a leaky steam pipe and a constipated pirate. He's strong and tough, but so slow-moving you'd think he worked for the DMV. Kirk fights him on the Asteroid of Unlikely Mineral Deposits, defeating him by inventing gunpowder and blasting him with a diamond the size of William Shatner's ego.
Powers: Strength, imperviousness to fake-looking Styrofoam rocks, flint knapping.
Weaknesses: A diamond to the gut, godlike aliens.
I can't believe they dissed tribbles. Stab Trek fans in the heart, why don't you?
I have a picture of me that doesn't make me want to crawl under a rock forever
it's a lovely picture, you look gawjus!
I'm going to a big extended family T-day at my uncle and aunt's house -- extended in several directions of in-laws' in-laws and whatnot. Should be fun.
My lunch seemed rather questionable, but it is actually very tasty. It is a tuna club (tuna salad, lettuce, tomato, bacon, red onion) on a tortilla with a slather of sour cream. Weird, right? But GOOD!
I'm driving down to DC tomorrow with DH, Dylan, and my sister (the one who's not in Vegas training to become a gondolier). We'll be staying a whole week, and I'm cooking for 20 people. Hopefully I'll find some time to rest.
I'm curling up into a ball of sleep, possibly surfacing to feed myself.
I am very boring these days.
I watched too much Star Trek last weekend. Captain Kirk is a prick. Just pissing in everyone's lemonade. Can't deal with people being happy.
Captain Kirk is a prick.
Worse than Picard?
I think Picard would clearly be better, except he's so damn preachy. Plus teh Klingons apparently can't manage any crisis without Picard's help, although I guess that's not really his fault.