Star Trek's 10 Cheesiest Classic Creatures
Episode: "Arena"
Description: A big lizard guy who sounds like a cross between a leaky steam pipe and a constipated pirate. He's strong and tough, but so slow-moving you'd think he worked for the DMV. Kirk fights him on the Asteroid of Unlikely Mineral Deposits, defeating him by inventing gunpowder and blasting him with a diamond the size of William Shatner's ego.
Powers: Strength, imperviousness to fake-looking Styrofoam rocks, flint knapping.
Weaknesses: A diamond to the gut, godlike aliens.
I can't believe they dissed tribbles. Stab Trek fans in the heart, why don't you?
I have a picture of me that doesn't make me want to crawl under a rock forever
it's a lovely picture, you look gawjus!
I'm going to a big extended family T-day at my uncle and aunt's house -- extended in several directions of in-laws' in-laws and whatnot. Should be fun.
My lunch seemed rather questionable, but it is actually very tasty. It is a tuna club (tuna salad, lettuce, tomato, bacon, red onion) on a tortilla with a slather of sour cream. Weird, right? But GOOD!
I'm driving down to DC tomorrow with DH, Dylan, and my sister (the one who's not in Vegas training to become a gondolier). We'll be staying a whole week, and I'm cooking for 20 people. Hopefully I'll find some time to rest.
I'm curling up into a ball of sleep, possibly surfacing to feed myself.
I am very boring these days.
I watched too much Star Trek last weekend. Captain Kirk is a prick. Just pissing in everyone's lemonade. Can't deal with people being happy.
Captain Kirk is a prick.
Worse than Picard?
I think Picard would clearly be better, except he's so damn preachy. Plus teh Klingons apparently can't manage any crisis without Picard's help, although I guess that's not really his fault.
Tom and I are taking Wednesday off and cooking most of the side dishes (stuffing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, gravy) and prepping the turkey (brining, air chilling) to bring to CT on Thursday to serve and eat.
I think it will be fun.
It is a tuna club (tuna salad, lettuce, tomato, bacon, red onion)
Isn't the definition of a club sandwhich haveing a third piece of bread? Or is it the bacon?
I need to work, but I am so tired, and kinda cranktastic. Also, my gums hurt (I am assuming from last week's tooth pulling. My whole gums seem sort of mildly infected, but it is getting better each day.