It narrows down the possible answers when you ask, "what the hell is making that noise?" at 3 a.m.
That would have been nice a couple of days ago when I was hearing beeping for hours, every twenty minutes, and couldn't pin it down. Turns out it was my new phone, which beeps every twenty minutes after I get a message until I read it.
Kat, I'm sorry Gracie's back in the hospital. I hope she can get better and out of there soon.
Darn you all, instead of getting some good work done this AM, I'm looking at Hawaiian firefighter/surfing instructors, all of whom look exceptional. Also, some of their students are no more great physical specimens than I am, which makes me want to book a trip to Hawaii right now.
Theo, they are funny, personable instructors that gave this fat, old lady as much attention as the young hotties in the class. Plus, they would tow my ass out to the break when I got too tired. If you're ever on Oahu, I highly recommend taking lessons from them.
We have to reconfigure the smoke detectors and CO detectors for the new house. Not sure where they all are so DH will probably do another install, since we won't have enough to make him comfortable.
I need to call the cable/internet company today to take care of our email issues and AT&T to find out why our landline crackles and has static.
The only time I get to shower alone and with the door closed is when I go to the gym.
Turns out it was my new phone,
I need more coffee. I read this as the lead to: 'which detects carbon monoxide' and was confused.
Just sent a really goofy proposal to my pals at the U. where I taught until we moved - who knows, but I'm trying to stretch my brain. And get them to hire me as a distance-education-program-coordinator. Either before or after they create the program. Possibly, I should have waited until I had more coffee.
Our new house is all painted and the floor guys start today. A week from Wednesday, we should be able to put things on the floor!
hooray for pretty floors and walls!
much health~ma for Grace.
I hope Grace is feeling better soon, Kat.
~~~~~Get well soon, Gracie!~~~~~
much ~ma for Kat and Grace and K and Lori.
I've skipped. I've skimmed. I'm vibing hard for Gracie to feel better very soon.
When I finally convinced myself to get up and check it out, it turned out I had left my ipod playing all night, and the scratching and banging was really the sound emanating from the earpod!
I hate that weird-noise-when-you're-asleep thing. One time, I would have sworn I heard neighbors having sex in the night (which used to happen in previous apartments), but then I remembered I can't hear any neighbors from my new bedroom, and it was my cat snoring!
If you're going to advertise an adjunct faculty position, wouldn't you include something about the hours (night school or day, for instance), or perhaps at least what campus? I know, I know, call and ask, but I want everything to be on the Web for me, dammit!
Also, I want the kids in the study hall in my room to stop with the darned music already.
I have four smoke alarms in the rental. One of them started the every thirty seconds beep that I think means I need to change the battery at 5 am, but stopped as soon as I got up to figure out which one was beeping.
None in the new house. Need to get some. Never had a CO alarm before, but I think I will get one of those, also.
Gotta get over to the new house for 8am in case the cable guy decides to show up then. This requires getting dressed. Gronk is getting in my way.