If you're going to advertise an adjunct faculty position, wouldn't you include something about the hours (night school or day, for instance), or perhaps at least what campus? I know, I know, call and ask, but I want everything to be on the Web for me, dammit!
Also, I want the kids in the study hall in my room to stop with the darned music already.
I have four smoke alarms in the rental. One of them started the every thirty seconds beep that I think means I need to change the battery at 5 am, but stopped as soon as I got up to figure out which one was beeping.
None in the new house. Need to get some. Never had a CO alarm before, but I think I will get one of those, also.
Gotta get over to the new house for 8am in case the cable guy decides to show up then. This requires getting dressed. Gronk is getting in my way.
I have a CO detector, but it needs batteries. I don't think I actually have any smoke detectors! That seems wrong.
Here's a random funny: the woman I was squished up against on the subway this morning was reading a book that she had inside a zip-up cover. So I assumed it was a bible, until I was squooshed behind her and saw that it was a cheesy romance! Which made me wonder why she had her cheesy romance in a fancy cover.
That is pretty common around here (maybe she is from Rochester?). People seem to want to cover up that they are reading a cheesy romance novel!
t waits for shrift to post and confirm that she's not dead. At least, no more dead than usual for a Monday morning.
Okay, so, not dead. Cranky as hell because I slept like crap, but not dead.
Now I'm going in search of contraband coffee. And possibly to choke a bitch if anyone gets in my way.
Can she be visited, in case I have the energy while she's on the west side?
She's fighting an infection so visitors are being limited until they get a control on that. We have to wear a gown and gloves with her and she's getting every antibio under the sun. Also we were told to shower and change clothes before we deal with Noah.
Cranky is better than dead.
And really, today's more like Wednesday than Monday, because it's only a three-day week.
She's fighting an infection so visitors are being limited until they get a control on that.
Understood. If you're in the area and want ears you can scream at, give me a call on my cell in case I'm free.