Seriously?? More tornadoes in Britain?? Why do we never hear about them? Do they do as much damage? Are there more hard-core tornadoes in the US, or have we just been brainwashed?
[edit: or is it just "in all of america" vs "all of britain", where we figure that alaska and hawaii and so on don't have a lot of tornadoes, but if we compare "tornadoey parts of britain" vs "great plains", it's def great plains?]
More tornadoes in Britain??
I bet it has something to do with Stonehenge. Which, incidentally, is not a henge.
I bet it has something to do with Stonehenge. Which, incidentally, is not a henge.
Fascinating fact - it's not stone either. It's plaster over chicken wire. They just discovered this last year.
Are there more hard-core tornadoes in the US, or have we just been brainwashed?
Yes, apparently they are more dangerous and destructive in the U.S., particularly in Tornado Alley.
Yes, apparently they are more dangerous and destructive in the U.S., particularly in Tornado Alley.
Well, one would hope that Tornado Alley would have especially bad tornadoes, or else one would lose all faith in our ability to name things....
QI can destroy many illusions.
You're twice as likely to see a tornado in Britain than in the U.S.
I'll bet probability of proximity has something to do with it. Tornado Alley contains a lot of wide open, low population density area.
Long time no come here! What's up with everyone lately?
I am listening to BBTL Ep3 and typing up an interview for them for me to post at my blog. And I have to be up by 10 tomorow and its 1am now.
Well, it's an exciting Saturday night of cookies, ANTM, and a trashy romance, here in Seattle...yes folks, this homosexual's agenda IS to get a life, but she's lazy...