I am in an online MLS program, amych is in an MIS program, and Gloomcookie is one or the other. Someone else is thinking about it - Kathy A?
I thought there were a few. If she has questions I can't answer, would it be okay if I gave her your profile email?
Sure. Not that I have any great wisdom, but I'll be happy to do what I can.
WTFF? The New York Times is giving me an ad for Diet Coke Plus - Diet Coke with added vitamins and minerals. Yeah, like that's they way we should get our vitamins. In a carbonated, artificially sweetened, no-calorie, all-chemical beverage.
Hooray Budapest!
Hooray not puking!
Hooray library school!
I've got movers coming a week from tomorrow. They will, theoretically, box up all my stuff for me but I should probably do at least a little packing, if only so I can find my remote controls and so forth right away. I've got scale map of my new place, but haven't measured my furniture to decide where it all goes yet...
I bought some of that Diet Coke Plus, reasoning that if I was drinking Diet Coke anyway it would be better if if it had vitamins in it. It doesn't actually contribute much towards the RDA of anything, afaict, and tasted funny, though that could all be in my mind.
I am MLIS and happy to assist in any small way I can.
Yeah, I tried the Diet Coke Plus and it was oddly nast.
Thanks GC! I'll add you to the list.
Today is never going to end, and I really want it to.
Speaking from the future, I can assure you that it will. Evenually.