Got one more thing done with--all enrolled for my insurance for 2008. Luckily enough, even with my company overhauling its medical insurance plans, my HMO is one of the few still remaining, so I didn't have to change anything. Now, I just have to send the check off to the cat-sitters for next week and head into the bookstore.
Anybody want to do my laundry and clean my apartment while I'm working at the store tonight?
You know, I wish I'd known all this workman's comp stuff from last fall when I fell from a chair while HANGING STUDENT WORK at school, admin insisted on calling an ambulance (liability purposes) and then workman's comp wouldn't pay for the ambulance and I had to pony up the $600. I seriously would have refused the amblulance and had someone drive me if I thought I would have had to pay for it.
What a fantastic picture of Dylan!
Holy hell, I have no idea how or why people deal with the Baltimore highways at rush hour. That was painful. Plus with guilt for leaving work before we were done, but hello, I had a prior commitment and I left at 5! Not early!
Some amazing high-speed photography that this woman does - she gets pictures of bullets hitting fruit and beer bottles and what-not. Plus she fires a D-battery into a grapefruit. Fun. [link]
Those are marvellous pictures, tommy. She's a bit closemouthed on her techniques for some of them--I'd love to know how she's achieving the ones that just look like they're exploding from within.
It occurs to me that I should stop going to the ER because I'm not getting enough pain relief. So it turns into a lengthy process into which I have to drag someone else, and all I get is 12-18 hours off. Way too much fuss.
ita, I think you need a new specialist, and if you're not up to doing the calling around and finding out who's best and getting an appointment, I am sure one of us who is a telephonic force of nature would be willing to help out (I'm thinking along the lines of the force of Vortex or Allyson.) There have got to be better doctors out there. Or at least ones willing to return your calls and not make you have the ideas.
Funny you should say that. My current specialist is breaking up with me. He's referring me to someone else--I have no idea who and will probably just follow along meekly.