Do you like to mix food, or do you eat all your items separately?
No mixing! I even used to look askance at things like chili or curry. Casseroles/hot dish are still on the no-fly list for me.
However, I love having a lot of different things on my plate - I just eat them separately.
Casseroles/hot dish are still on the no-fly list for me.
Really? I love dishes where the entire raison d'etre is mixing. I had a KFC bowl for lunch (chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, cheese, gravy), which is what triggered the question.
There's some wierd egg noodle beef tomato soup corn cheese thing I have from my grandmother's recipe book. It sounds like what would be in the garbage after a meal at my mom's, but damn is it yum!
OMG, have you guys heard this story about the 13-year-old girl who committed suicide after being bullied by neighbors disguised as a teenaged boy on myspace? Awful awful story. [link]
We should trade plates. That always makes things more interesting.
Totally! You want to take my coworkers' crappy stuff and turn it into a cohesive whole, while simultaneously creating my own stuff that's not so crappy?
Thinking about it, I like foods that are inherently mixed (chili, fried rice, salad, whatever), but I still don't really like it when different things touch on my plate. Although less than when I was a kid.
I don't mix, except for obvious things like pork chop and applesauce. I do alternate bites sometimes, and I have no problem with casseroles or curries or intentionally mixed things.
You want to take my coworkers' crappy stuff and turn it into a cohesive whole, while simultaneously creating my own stuff that's not so crappy?
Sure! You get to fill in the holes in this document about workers' comp, while trying to read the minds of the people who want it created yet are too busy to answer any questions.
I do alternate bites sometimes, and I have no problem with casseroles or curries or intentionally mixed things.
shhhh. Don't let Sparky's DH hear you say thinks like that.
Our plumber is coming today to put in a valve so we can have, you know, water. Tomorrow he'll install a brand new water heater. Yay! This proves that anything can be made better if you just spend $1,000.
I like curries and stir fries and stews and all sorts of mixy things. Also gravy AND lingonberry on each bite of Ikea meatballs, or what's the point?